A Private Seller has no obligations to you. At the start you should obtain photographic identification of the person that you are dealing with. Remember that you receive no statutory warranty and you are not entitled to a cooling off period. (read more)
Our Journal

Business partnership breakdown?
Good business practice recommends that potential partners draw and sign a partnership agreement before commencing trading; If the business is run through a company then the agreement would be a shareholders agreement.
The agreement should set out what happens in the event that the partners experience irreconcilable differences. It can set out the procedural steps to be taken and what happens with the business. (read more)

Balance of Proof
Criminal law and civil law have several differences. Civil actions usually involve a plaintiff and a defendant settling their dispute through the court system. A criminal case is the government on behalf of society through the police bringing charges against an individual for a wrong they have committed against a member of society.
In Civil cases the standard of proof is ‘on the balance of probabilities’. In criminal cases the standard is ‘beyond reasonable doubt’. How does the standard work? (read more)
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